Leslie Taverney | therapist & coach

Curious to the core of my being, I like to play with ideas, to put problems on the head. I have found in humans an inexhaustible source of things to discover and I never cease to be amazed by our capacity to reinvent ourselves.

In parallel with my studies in communication, I have trained in a large number of therapeutic approaches, initially energetic and centred on the spoken word.

I see in each person the potential of a fulfilled and coherent person, which is why my approach is integrative and takes into account the multiple dimensions of the human being.

Existential questions are omnipresent in my consultations. My consultations are secular and do not exclude the great spiritual questions that everyone faces.

I founded l’Allié, a space dedicated to helping you find your coherence and become your own ally on the path of life, because l’allié of your change is none other than yourself and my presence aims only to facilitate the process, let emerge and water what is already present.

Authenticity, integrity and creativity are the pillars of my practice. My vision of wisdom tends more towards that of the child, capable of marvelling at everything, than that of the old fart who has accumulated years of knowledge and experience but no longer knows how to laugh.


  • Strategic conversational hypnosis PTR (reassociative trauma psychotherapy), Brussels
  • ikigai coach, MyIkigai, Geneva
  • Master practitioner in Ericksonian hypnosis, Graine d'Eveil - NLP & coaching, Morges
  • Basics of the systemic and strategic approach - Institut Gregory Bateson, Lausanne
  • Supporting with the narrative approach - Institut Repère, Paris
  • Palliative care support, Red Cross, Fribourg
  • Facilitation of philosophical workshops for children and adolescents - SEVE Switzerland, Lausanne
  • Meditation and sound yoga teacher - IAV, La Rochelle
  • Touch for Health Therapist - IHS, Ecublens
  • Cycle 1 anatomy, physiology, pathology - ESSR, Lausanne

How can I help you?

Please contact me for a 15-minute telephone appointment (without obligation) so that we can discuss your expectations and needs together.

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