Indications: relaxation, stress and anxiety reduction, increased ability to concentrate, decrease in chronic pain, better sleep, decrease in mental rumination, regulation of mood and emotions, empathy, prevention of cardiovascular risks, improvement of immunity, and many other things.

Contraindications: none. If you suffer from severe addictions, dissociative identity disorders, severe psychiatric pathologies, post-traumatic shock or ASD, please tell me about it during our telephone conversation.

Public: children from 5 years old and adults

Sessions*: children - group or individual session of 30 min / adults - group or individual session of 60 or 90 min

*cycle of 5 sessions minimum. At practice , at home (not available at the moment) or via videoconference


Sitting on a cushion, moving, for several hours or for a few seconds a day, meditation can be adapted to your life and its benefits are well documented.

I will accompany you on this path so that you can experience meditation and find the way that suits you to make it a part of your life.

By exploring movements, sounds, visualizations, smells and sensations, find your gateway to meditation and establish a new habit.

In this state of alert stillness, the brain secretes serotonin. This neurotransmitter, which is popularly called the "happy hormone", helps the body to stabilise and calm down and may contribute to a sense of well-being and balance.

It takes several weeks to feel the effects of meditation practice, so regular practice and a dose of motivation are necessary.

Meditation is compatible with all religions and my approach adapts to your values and needs. Meditation does not belong to a brand (MBSR, Transcendental Meditation, etc.) nor to a religion (Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) it belongs to everyone and is accessible by everyone.

The sessions aim to help you find the keys to access the meditative experience independently later on and to establish new daily habits.

"The mind and the heart are not two different places."


How can I help you?

Please contact me for a 15-minute telephone appointment (without obligation) so that we can discuss your expectations and needs together.

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