Contraindications: none.

adults, couples, families or groups of individuals, indoors or outdoors


Rituals combine all dimensions of the Being (body, intellect, emotions, values) in one act in order to move forward in a unified and coherent way. They allow one to align one's words, actions, thoughts and emotions in total attention to a goal.

Thus, although some rituals are still practiced in our society (weddings, funerals, etc.), our culture no longer values them. Yet their role is crucial, they allow us to reassociate the dimensions of our being, to get rid of feelings of guilt and to reconcile inner conflicts.

Rituals transform, start or stop processes and stages of life. They emerge from the individual or collective imagination.

On an ad hoc basis, I offer my clients the opportunity to create a personalised ritual to celebrate a milestone or to let go of something.

Rituals are created according to your wishes and inspiration and respect your beliefs and values.


How can I help you?

Please contact me for a 15-minute telephone appointment (without obligation) so that we can discuss your expectations and needs together.

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