Indications: self-esteem, self-sabotage, existential emptiness, search for meaning, team management, families, couples, trauma, palliative care, guilt.

Contraindications: none. If you suffer from severe addictions, dissociative identity disorders, severe psychiatric pathologies, post-traumatic shock or ASD, please tell me about it during our telephone conversation.

Public: adolescents and adults - individual sessions of 90 min

Narrative approach

Created by the Australian psychotherapist Michael White and the Canadian David Epston, the narrative approach allows the individual to practice decentring in the face of his or her problems, to consider other perspectives in relation to them and to reconstruct a more appropriate and helpful story.
The narrative approach allows the individual to tell his or her problems without allowing them to define him or her. Its particularity is to consider the multiple facets that continue the identity rather than a central self.

If at the beginning this approach was restricted to the framework of family therapy, it is now used in the help or support relationship by psychotherapists, coaches in companies or social workers.

The aim of a narrative conversation is to help the person who consults to recover his or her ability to act, to become capable of taking his or her life in hand again, to regain that sense of personal initiative with which every human being is endowed, and which may be obscured. The re-negotiation of relationships with significant characters in the person's life provides points of support on the path, supporting the fine traces of a "favourite story" (..)

- Isabelle Laplante and Nicolas De Beer (Preface to the book "les cartes narratives")

How can I help you?

Please contact me for a 15-minute telephone appointment (without obligation) so that we can discuss your expectations and needs together.

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