5 points to consider when choosing a therapist

The choice of therapist is an important step in initiating the change process.
Here are some points to consider.

  • Values. What are your therapist's values and ethics? Feel free to ask her/him a few questions to find out more about who s/he is and what s/he cares about.
  • The connection. The voice, the words your therapist uses, the way he/she listens are all important things to consider. The more you feel understood and trusted, the stronger the therapeutic bond and the more effective the work. A therapist will sometimes have a very different view of the world to you, is this stimulating or a hindrance to you? Do you feel that the therapist has the necessary stability to fully accept your feelings and problems?
  • The tools. Do the approaches used inspire you or on the contrary make you wary? What training has he/she followed?
  • The place. Embarking on a process of change requires a commitment on your part. Choosing a place that is easily accessible and an environment in which you feel comfortable will facilitate the process.
  • Listen to yourself. Trust your intuition.


Doctor, psychotherapist, complementary medicine therapist or coach, it is not always easy to know who to turn to. Follow-up by a therapist will never replace medical care. In case of health problems (physical or mental) it is therefore necessary to contact your doctor or psychotherapist first.

As their name indicates, complementary medicine can complement a medical approach, be used to relieve discomfort, induce change to achieve a goal (coaching) and treat in a preventive manner in order to preserve your physical and psychological balance.

Complementary medicine has its place in the field of personal development and support, allowing you to tackle certain problems or simply to get to know yourself better.

In general, complementary medicine has a holistic approach to the human being and it is with this in mind that I approach my consultations in support, hypnotherapy or coaching. The approaches I use are not problem-focused but resource-focused. During the sessions, you are fully engaged in the process.

Authenticity, integrity and creativity are the cornerstones of my practice. my vision of wisdom tends more towards that of the child, capable of marvelling at everything, than that of the old fart who has accumulated years of knowledge and experience but no longer knows how to laugh.

How can I help you?

Please contact me for a 15-minute telephone appointment (without obligation) so that we can discuss your expectations and needs together.

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