Indications for hypnosis: phobias, sleep disorders, addictions, relaxation, pain management and chronic pain, self-esteem, exam preparation, emotional management, inner conflict, self-image, expressive disorders, weight loss, creativity, coaching, grief, erectile dysfunction, burn-out, relationship disorders, childbirth preparation, break-ups, sadness, palliative care, etc.

severe addictions (can be considered with a doctor's approval in a defined setting), dissociative identity disorders

Public: children over 6 years old (I do not consult in hypnosis for younger children), adults (in individual sessions of 60 or 90 min).


Strategic conversational hypnosis (SCH) was developed by Gérald Brassine. It is based on the legacy of Milton Erickson and relies primarily on the spontaneous capacity of human beings to develop hypnotic phenomena.
During a trauma (i.e., a pertruborating event that causes a deregulation of the nervous system), our brain triggers a series of reactions and protocols that aim to protect us. In some cases, these protections become obstacles to our lives and to our development (phobias, psychosomatic pain, anxiety, emotional deregulation, etc.). We may "know" the origins of some of our problems, but it is not easy to change them. Our conscious mind has no control over these mechanisms. By using emotions, thoughts and sensations, PTR hypnosis allows us to unravel certain problems in an ecological way.

In this practice, the client is in constant communication with the therapist and is encouraged to actively participate in the resolution of the problem. This highly effective practice empowers the person and allows them to understand their own resources while respecting their limits and rhythm.

This approach allows to overcome fears and traumas by confronting them in a safe way. If you have already experienced an EMDR session you will probably find some common points.

With strategic conversational hypnosis, therapist and client truly collaborate in order to desensitize past painful elements, emotionally or physically, and heal the symptoms that arise from them

In constant contact, thanks to the dialogue established, patient and therapist build a comfortable, secure and egalitarian hypnotic situation in which each one learns and performs his task.


"Therapeutic hypnosis is not the result of suggestion but of the use of the imagination and memory"


Ericksonian hypnosis

The hypnotic state is a modified state of consciousness in which access to your unconscious or "intuitive" part is easier. In this state it is easier to access your resources (memories, feelings, the body's ability to heal itself) in order to overcome your blockages and initiate change.

This form of hypnosis is now regularly used in psychotherapy and coaching.
During the session you are in control and remain fully aware of what is happening while in a state of deep relaxation. You remain able to move, speak and remember the whole session.

During the hypnotic trance, we will not contact traumatic memories, preferring to call on positive resources to help you.
This method is more permissive than classical hypnosis, which has been known for a long time, and is extremely respectful of the person. It is based above all on the idea that you have all the necessary resources within you to solve the problem.

Belonging to the family of brief therapies originating from the Palo Alto school, Ericksonian hypnosis takes its name from its creator Milton Erickson (1901-1980), an American psychiatrist. In his time, Milton Erickson was already recognised as an outstanding therapist, capable of achieving surprising results through his empathy and sense of observation. It was by observing him that the importance of the bond between therapist and patient was highlighted.

"Hypnosis is a living relationship that takes place within a person and is aroused by the warmth of another person.

- Milton Erickson

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